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During the last months of the year, with the good news that we were selected to receive a fund from the Empreturismo program, we have decided to advance some works. There is still a long wait for this capital injection, but we are inspired by the knowledge and validation received during the program. We will go little by little, starting with some remodeling work on our premises and also developing our online presence.

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Our store is fortunate to be located in the center of the town of Volcan, Chiriqui. However, it is in need of several improvements due to the effects of the hurricane season and the effects of Eta and Iota during 2020. Our plan is to iterate, starting with the basic improvements to offer a simple and comfortable service for visitors. Then, we will make some façade improvements to reflect our vision. Thus, little by little, we will continue to provide the space not only for our store, but also for other projects aimed at the outdoor community.

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It will be at a slow pace and with great challenges and efforts, but our inspiration is greater than ever. 2025 will surely be a very special year for this project.

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